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Dream it ! Believe it ! Achieve it !

AZ Employment First

AZ Employment First (AZ EF) is a grassroots effort that began forming around the topic of employment for individuals who have disabilities in 2013.

Since then, AZ Employment First has been instrumental in the addressing the necessity to increase successful employment outcomes for individuals who have disabilities

Stephen Halking image

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.

I am a ...

Image for Testimonial of a person
Never Give Up !!

After years of hardships. I was able to find the perfect job thanks to the various things that happened through my life.

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Executive Order for Arizona as Employment First State.
Opportunity for All

Everyone in our society has the opportunity to get a job and participate in the workforce. This executive order means more and better jobs for individuals with disabilities.

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Limits exist only in your mind.

After years of hardships. I was able to find the perfect job thanks to the various things that happened through my life.

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