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About Us

What is Employment First?

Employment First encompasses the belief that community-based, integrated employment should be the primary day activity for working age youth and adults with disabilities. It supports an overarching goal that eligible persons with disabilities will have access to integrated work settings most appropriate for them, including the supports necessary to help them succeed in the workplace. Employment First does not mean employment only and does not deny individual choice, but is intended to increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Who is involved with Employment First?

Advocates, Educators, Employers, Employment Service Provider Agencies, Family Members, State Agencies, University Centers for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities, Youth and Young Adults.

Why Employment First in Arizona?

In 2014, only 22% of people in the DDD system receiving day services were in integrated employment. In 2014, only 14% of DDD funding spent on day and employment services went to integrated employment. People who work have a higher quality of life, greater community participation, and are more likely to make their own choices in life. New regulations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Department of Justice and the Department of Labor are requiring states to prioritize integrated services for everyone who has a disability.

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